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October 07, 2021

What’s New: Offer Comparisons, Off-Market Listings, and More

What’s New: Offer Comparisons, Off-Market Listings, and More

This week we’re excited to announce the release of some highly-anticipated features, including our brand new offer comparison tool, the ability to submit offers on off-MLS listings, and more. Let’s see what’s new!

Instantly compare multiple offers

One of our most highly-requested features—offer comparisons—is here! Now, you can effortlessly create and share beautiful, easy-to-digest offer comparisons with clients in just a few clicks.

On your Listing Overview page, once you’ve received more than one offer, a “Compare” button will appear in the top right corner of your “Offers” tab. To compare offers, simply click the “Compare” button and select the offers you’d like to be included in the offer comparison.

Once generated, you’ll be able to add or remove offers, as well as, offer terms. The offer comparison will automatically include net offer price calculations so you can provide your client with the insight they need to make the decision that's best for them.

To share the offer comparison with your client, click “Publish” in the top right. You’ll have the option of updating the comparison name and adding a note for your client. If everything looks good, click “Publish” once more. Once published, your client will receive an email notifying them that you’ve shared an offer comparison. They’ll be able to view the comparison on the “Offers” tab of their account.

Offers for off-MLS listings

With our latest release, we’ve now made it possible for agents to draft and submit offers on properties that are off-MLS or for sale by owner. To submit an offer on an off-market listing, click "Start Offer" in the top right of your Deals page. Next, select “Click here if the property is not listed on the MLS.” You’ll be prompted to enter the property address and whether or not the seller is being represented by a listing agent. If they are, you’ll be able to search for and select the listing agent for the property.

You’ll also have the option of selecting the MLS where the property may have been previously listed. This allows us to pull any prior listing data for the property that may be used to auto-populate your offer (for instance, the property’s legal description).

From there, you can continue on to drafting your offer as you normally would.

Boost compliance with brokerage-specific forms

Get ahead of brokerage compliance with brokerage-specific form sets. Jointly enterprise accounts can now build compliance directly into their agent’s workflows. With this feature, brokerages can specify which forms their agents are required to complete.

When adding a new client to Jointly, your agents will be prompted to complete all of the required brokerage-specific forms. Contact sales to learn more and see how Jointly can make compliance for your brokerage a breeze.

And more new features…

In this release, we’ve also made a few improvements and enhancements to make it easier for you to do business your way. Check out what else is new below.

One-click to start an offer

We’ve added two new buttons on the Deals page to make it easier and faster to start an offer on Jointly. When you log in, you’ll notice the new “Add client” and “Start offer” buttons in the top right corner of your Deals page.

Offer delivery enhancement

With this update, you’ll have more control over how your offers are delivered. For instance, now you’ll have the option to update the listing agent's information before sending an offer, including their email address.

An expanded forms library

In this release, we’ve added over 20+ pre-mapped Texas real estate forms to Jointly's forms library. Simply click the “+ Add document” button at the bottom of your screen to access these forms the next time you go to add a client or draft an offer.

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