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April 06, 2023
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Jointly Announces New Plans for Agents, Teams, Brokers, + Transaction Coordinators

Jointly Announces New Plans for Agents, Teams, Brokers, + Transaction Coordinators

At Jointly, we are dedicated to providing real estate agents, teams, brokerages, and transaction coordinators with the tools they need to streamline their workflows, save time, stay compliant, and increase efficiency. We are excited to announce the release of our new advanced plans, which offer even more functionality and capabilities to our users.

Our new plan structure includes four tiers:

  • Starter (still free!) — This plan provides essential tools for making and receiving offers, handling rentals, and managing documents. It is designed for individual agents who want to bring order, efficiency, and ease of use to their businesses.

  • Pro ($49/mo) — With advanced tools such as offer comparisons and transaction management, Jointly Pro is ideal for individual agents who want to further scale their businesses through automation tools and efficient collaboration.

  • Business (starting at $149/mo) — This plan provides advanced tools plus support for a full brokerage, team, or independent transaction coordinator business. Jointly Business is perfect for leaders who want to see their entire business in one platform.

  • Enterprise (custom pricing) — For larger, more complex organizations that require API access, custom workflows, custom integrations, or other professional services, we offer custom pricing plans. If you have complex needs, let's talk.

Whether you're an individual agent or the leader of a large real estate business, Jointly has the right plan for you. And with our new plans come additional features and enhancements that make our platform even more powerful.

For example, we've improved our support for property management in Texas, and expanded our library to include all property management forms. We've also added new options for working with and sharing attachments with amendments, and updated the font color in forms data for better contrast and readability. Users now have additional options for data in custom docs, and we've made improvements to performance overall.

At Jointly, we are always striving to provide our users with the best possible experience. We hope our new plans and features will help you streamline your workflows, save time, and increase efficiency in your real estate business.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our plans and features, you can schedule a demo or, if you aren't already using Jointly, you can get started for free!

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